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Company Background

I have lived in the Florida Keys for over 30 years and have sailed all my life. I started my business Ocean Sailing Inc. in 2000. Approximately 6,080 documented sailing charters performed in over 20 years and a lifetime of sailing the waters of south Florida provides an extensive experience level to providing sailing charter services to our community of the middle keys.

Service Delivery "Sirius" is a Coast Guard inspected 36ft by 24ft sailing catamaran with a 24 passenger capacity. Catamaran sailing offers a safe, stable, and comfortable setting for sailing with larger groups. Our business profile is green to the environment.

Mission Statement: Providing safe, fun, and exciting sailing catamaran charters to visitors and the local community of the Florida Keys.

Vision Statement: Ocean Sailing Inc. takes pride in its commitment to provide quality and enjoyable sailing charters. We strive for excellence and personalized attention as our guests experience fresh breezes and delightful sailing in the beautiful waters of the Florida Keys.

Working hard is fun! My second job as a captain to pay for my daughter's college education worked! "Little" Miss Whitney Kamerzel is now an attorney and I am living the dream in life. The podcast featuring my business and story presented by Glen Sanders at is how it happened! Enjoy!

Ocean Sailing Inc.

Capt. Dale E. Kamerzel

(305) 304-2982 (305) 305-1846

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